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Please assist me in reaching my Goal.

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I'm an America's 9/11 Ride Participant!

Participating in this memorial event is a moving experience and supporting the cause is even greater. Saying Thank You” to our First Responders and remembering the Heroes from Sept 11, 2001.

I am looking to raise $xxxx for this year’s event and trust that you will be as generous as possible in helping us achieve this goal. All donations are tax deductible as the foundation is a 501 (c) 3.

Please support me.

We have personally been participating with this event for the past five years. And every year we are looking forward to this event even more as it remembers the Heroes and Victims from the terrible attacks on this great country.

I know you get asked to donate to many worth while causes but this organization is very special. Every dollar does make a difference, the foundation has no paid staff or board, it is entirely run by volunteers. The last audit shows that more than 90% of funds received are utilized supporting First Responders, their departments and families. Funds from this event go to our college scholarship program for graduating seniors of First Responders (Paid or Volunteer). It also provides equipment to First Responder Departments and funds National Volunteer Emergency Team (NVET) abilities. Please help me assist in this wonderful cause. Donating online is safe, secure and easy. The foundation will send you a receipt for your generosity.



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